Friday, July 20, 2012

Belly Fat Loss Tips For Chocoholics

Belly Fat Loss Tips For Chocoholics

The people who pass out belly fat loss tips often take it for granted that everyone will have the same level of difficulty in following a regime aimed at getting rid of belly fat. In reality, we are not all the same. Some people are happy to exist on a diet of salads, fruit and plain water and don't understand why their favourite meals aren't everyone's idea of enjoyable eating. To some of us following a healthy eating plan to lose fat seems near to impossible.
How can you survive on a low fat, low sugar, restricted calorie diet when you just can't live without chocolate? The answer is that you will find it a lot harder to maintain a controlled eating plan than the people who prefer tomatoes to chocolate. If you have a sweet tooth, it will probably be hard for you to stick to a belly fat loss regime. These tips will help you to manage your cravings for chocolate and other sweet things and to lose the troublesome fat in your tummy area.
The usual reasons any person gains weight are that we often eat the wrong types of food and we tend to eat too much. The body stores the extra calories as fat, our weight creeps up and our waistlines expand. When we look for help to get rid of some of the fat build up (particularly fat around the stomach area) we learn that we need to change our eating habits and increase our level of physical activity. If you are a sweet-lover, you will soon learn that the foods you like best are top of the list of things to avoid.
If you have tried dieting previously, you will know the feelings you get when you read the list of forbidden foods and find your favourite things there. Isn't it strange how just reading a diet sheet can bring on an immediate craving for chocolate? Don't worry, you will be able to overcome that feeling and you will be able to lose that dangerous fat lurking around your midsection. Death from chocolate deprivation is highly unlikely to occur on a sensible balanced eating plan.
The first belly fat loss tip for chocoholics or any sweet toothed person is not to let yourself get too hungry. You already have this natural fondness for sweet things; if you are also feeling very hungry it will be very much harder to resist snacking on the kind of sweet food that will just add to your belly fat problems.
The best ways to avoid hunger are to eat regular meals and to ensure that you include foods that will make you feel full for longer (the best foods for this are high fibre foods), and to substitute healthy alternatives to your usual high sugar treats. You might find you feel better if you eat smaller meals and have several snacks throughout the day as well. Some people swear by eating a large breakfast and smaller lunch and evening meal. Others do best on six small meals a day instead of the normal three. This is something you will need to work out for yourself by experimenting.
When you feel hungry in between meals, try drinking a large glass of water. As well as being good for us, water can give a feeling of fullness that will get us through to the next meal without resorting to snacking. Dehydration can also create feelings of hunger, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
High calorie treats containing refined sugar should be avoided, but you can satisfy your craving for sweets by eating fresh fruit which contains natural unrefined sugars. In addition to avoiding refined sugar, you will be getting the added benefit of the vitamins and minerals which occur naturally in fruits.
Don't make yourself feel deprived by skipping dessert, simply make sure you avoid pastry or very creamy desserts, and opt for fruit based desserts instead. Fat free fruit yoghurts are an excellent quick dessert or snack.
Keep busy. You don't need to be a chocoholic to indulge in eating through boredom, many people fall into this trap. If you have been planning to start a project, this is the time to get going; a new interest will occupy your mind and keep chocolate fantasies at bay. If you can get involved in active messy jobs like gardening or decorating, you will be using extra calories, and keeping yourself occupied. Having dirty hands will also deter you from picking at foods. If you have nothing in particular to do, go for a walk, phone a friend, take a shower, take up Sudoku puzzles; what you do doesn't matter as long as you keep yourself occupied.
If your dieting downfall is cakes or cookies, you can try the special diet ranges, but be sure to read the labels carefully because low fat items often contain lots of refined sugar and as many calories as the normal non-diet variety. As most of these diet foods don't taste anywhere near as good as the "real" thing, they are best avoided altogether. If you can trust yourself to keep to a small portion, a piece of your usual favourite cake will be much tastier than a substitute diet product.
Chocolate! There, the word's out. Chocolate is the big one, the most common reason for people to break their good dieting habits. If you are a chocoholic you will know that there is absolutely no substitute for the real thing.
How are you going to lose your belly fat? Firstly, it would be a mistake to vow that you are going to live chocolate free forever. This pledge will make you feel miserable at the start and a failure later when you give into temptation; if you are a real chocoholic giving in to temptation is inevitable and will most likely result in a huge chocolate eating binge. The minute you ban something from your life, you will find it just about impossible to stop thinking about it.
It is best to take things step by step. If you can trust yourself not to cheat on the portions, you could allow yourself a small ration of chocolate as part of your daily calorie intake. If you don't trust yourself to stick to your chocolate allowance, it might be better for you to give up chocolate altogether for a set period.
If you follow through on a decision to eat no chocolate for, say a month, this will give you time to see some definite progress in your effort to lose belly fat. I won't try to kid you; you know it is not going to be easy, but seeing the improvement in your weight and size at the end of the punishing first month, will give you the strength you need to keep your chocolate eating under better control through the next month and the months after.
Most sweet "diet" food ranges leave a lot to be desired, but there are some low fat chocolate flavoured drinks available that actually taste the way a chocolate drink should. Try a comforting mug of guilt-free hot chocolate if you feel you are about to give in to your chocolate craving.
What should you do if you slip and indulge in a chocolate-fest? Pick yourself up, promise yourself that you won't let it happen again, and keep going. Don't use this slip-up as an excuse to abandon your attempt to lose your belly fat. Don't tell yourself that your diet is broken beyond repair; it is only damaged a bit, and it will still work if you give it another chance.
This step by step management of your favourite treats works well with most foods. This technique cuts down on the likelihood of giving in to bingeing, or completely giving up your attempt to eat sensibly and healthily while trying to lose belly fat. If you make sure you never say never, you can look forward to the day when you have lost the dangerous belly fat and can introduce your favourite forbidden goodies back into your everyday diet (in moderation, of course).
Visit for the best belly fat loss tips

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